Dec 13, 2014
You’d think that after they got their ass smacked HARD (and not in the good way) at Alesia, the rest of Gaul would have just crumbled – but not so. A few tribes still thought they could bring Julius Caesar down and so he spent his winter of 52/51 BCE...
Nov 27, 2014
Well…. This is where it all comes together. Arguably the greatest military victory in history. Julius Caesar lays siege to the walled city of Alesia, the stronghold of Vercingetorix, who sends for reinforcements. When they arrive, Caesar is massively...
Nov 14, 2014
A mammoth 2 and a half hour episode! Vercingetorix continues to make trouble for Julius Caesar. Now almost all of the Gallic tribes are his allies. Yet he still avoids a frontal assault and uses a combination of brilliant tactics and treachery to keep Caesar busy....
Nov 6, 2014
Well it’s all starting to fall apart for Big Julie. Crassus goes to Parthia to meet his maker at the Battle of Carrhae. Rome is falling apart so badly that Pompey is elected sole Consul. And in Gaul, a young man called Vercingetorix betrays Caesar to unite the...
Oct 24, 2014
Caesar spends this episode chasing Ambiorix of the Eburones to revenge the deaths of Sabinus, Cotta and their legion at Atuatuca. We also talk in depth about Caesar’s leadership style and why he was so loved by his troops. We also answer important questions like...