You’d think that after they got their ass smacked HARD (and not in the good way) at Alesia, the rest of Gaul would have just crumbled – but not so. A few tribes still thought they could bring Julius Caesar down and so he spent his winter of 52/51 BCE taking on the Bellovaci, the Senones, the Canutes, and a few other tribes, ending with the horrifying conclusion of the Siege of Uxellodunum where Caesar chops off the hands of thousands of Gallic troops to send a lesson.
Julius Caesar #26 – Gaul Is Conquered
Dec 13, 2014
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Hi a few episodes behind but just got to Caesar crosses the Rhine. is there going to be a live show in Brisbane? Love to know the details, huge fan and will be there for sure. Steve
Unfortunately Ray has cancelled his trip to Brisbane in April, but we’ll try to make it happen sometime this year!
Your link should be, “Here LIE the podcasts” not LIES. Plural subject ( podcasts ) needs a plural verb ( lies ) . You are really saying, “The podcasts lie here. ” You wouldn’t want to say, ‘The podcasts lies here’. That being said I have listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts ( Dan Carlin, History of Rome, Revolutions etc. ) and yours is the only one with decent content and a lighter tone. Generally, that tone is coupled with superficial content.
Thanks Bill! You are right and I’ve fixed it up. Glad you’re enjoying the show!
In case I wasn’t clear enough, your content is NOT superficial. That is one reason I listen.
Glad you clarified that! And thank you. It’s nice to know someone appreciates our work!