Rome had never seen anything like the three—day celebration of Octavian’s three-fold triumph — for his victories in Illyricum, Actium, and Alexandria — held in August of 29 BC.  

  • He was granted a range of new powers, some he even refused as being too much. 
  • But there was one that he apparently relished. 
  • The doors of the Temple of Janus Geminus is closed for only the third time in 700 years.
  • The Senate also decrees the building of the first stone arch to celebrate a victory over a foreign enemy. 
  • So who is this new dictator of Rome? 
  • Octavian gave a big speech to the Alexandrians explaining why he was showing them clemency. 
  • But he has the seventeen-year-old Caesarion, allegedly the son of the dictator and co-regent with Cleopatra, as well as Antony’s eldest son by Fulvia, Antyllus, executed.





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