Augustus formerly known as Octavian. The original Son of God. The man who took what Julius started and brought it to its natural conclusion. He survived a lot longer than everyone expected and did such a good job, they also made him a god.



We produced this series 2015 – 2018, picking up from where we left off after the JULIUS series. It’s jam-packed full of delicious history, dick jokes, rock songs and enough offensive opinions to upset nearly everyone. 


Over 100 episodes we pieced together the story of the rise and fall of Augustus Caesar. A teenager when his great-uncle Julius was murdered, Octavianus (as he was then called) woke up one day to find out he’d inherited most of Julius’ fortune and had been posthumously adopted as his son. He could have lived out the rest of his life on a yacht with hookers and blow, but instead – he built an empire. 


The AUGUSTUS series is currently entirely free to listen to. You can view all of the episodes here or subscribe with iTunes or another podcast app using the below links. 


Use this feed to subscribe in some random podcast player or click the logos below to add to iTunes or Stitcher.


You can also use the above links to listen to the ongoing (TIBERIUS) series (which started August 2018) for free. 


If you’re new to the series, you might want to start with our original JULIUS series.